Product Information
Moringa Powder

There are two types of moringa powder produced: one is fermented and the other is not. As a nutritious ingredient, moringa powder has various uses in both the health food sector and conventional food production. The applications for the fermented form would be the same, but the taste component would be less overpowering.

Fermenting Moringa leaves can enhance their nutritional value and flavour profile. Fermentation is a process in which microorganisms such as yeasts and bacteria break down the sugars and starches in the leaves, creating beneficial compounds such as probiotics and antioxidants. This can make the Moringa powder more easily digestible and can also add a unique and tasty flavour to the final product. Additionally, fermenting the Moringa leaves can help preserve the nutritional content of the leaves, making the resulting powder a highly nutritious and sustainable food source. Overall, fermenting Moringa leaves is a great way to enhance the nutritional value and flavour of the final Moringa powder product.


Benefits of Moringa and Moringa Powder

Rich source of vitamins & minerals

The Moringa oleifera tree is unusual not just because all its components are edible, but also because of its incredibly high nutritional content. The Moringa tree's leaves are a fantastic source of vitamins A, B, C, and other minerals. Exceptional sources of calcium, protein, potassium, and iron may also be found in the leaves. Methionine and cystine, two amino acids with significant concentrations, are also present. Its low level in lipids, carbohydrates, and phosphorus makes it one of the best plant meals available. The emphasis of the current review is on Moringa Oleifera's potential advantages in the management of malnutrition.

Several natural herbs

There are several natural herbs that support maintaining good health and restoring the body's equilibrium. But just one moringa tree may offer you with food in the form of leaves, oil for cooking and healthy skin, seed cake for purifying water, and wood for constructing a house and keeping warm.

Entire tree can be untilized

This tree's entire body, including the leaves, trunk, stems, and root, are edible. The blossoms have significant calcium and potassium content and may be consumed or used to create tea. Young pods may be cooked and are said to have an asparagus-like flavour. From bigger pods, the green peas and surrounding white stuff can be separated and prepared in a variety of ways.

Pharmaceutical applications

Numerous studies have demonstrated that moringa leaf may treat type 2 diabetes just as well as pharmaceutical drugs. It decreases blood glucose levels (sugar levels), enhances glucose tolerance, and could even undo weight gain and insulin resistance.

Powerful antioxidants

Researchers have discovered that the powerful antioxidants in moringa leaves are the primary factor in the plant's capacity to regulate blood sugar levels. Imagine this: Our blood contains free radicals, which assault and kill cells, including the B cells in the pancreas. Free radicals are hunted down and destroyed by antioxidants in the blood. Unfortunately, diabetes significantly impairs the body's ability to use antioxidants. The combination of Moringa's flavonoid superheroes increases the number of antioxidants by such a large amount that the health of the B-cells can be restored.